Apple’s rumored iPhone 17 Air and Samsung’s Galaxy S25 Slim are expected to feature ultra-thin designs, measuring just 5-6mm thick compared to their predecessors’ 7.6-7.8mm. However, these slimmer devices may compromise battery capacity, ranging from 3,000mAh to 4,000mAh, and could face heat dissipation challenges that further reduce battery life. The powerful chips rumored for these phones, Apple’s A19 and Snapdragon’s 8 Elite, may exacerbate heat retention, although both companies are known for efficient chip designs that could mitigate the issue. Apple is unlikely to sacrifice its "all-day battery life" standard, but thinner designs could pose engineering hurdles. These developments might also push competitors to prioritize larger batteries in upcoming phones, with some Android manufacturers considering devices with 5,000mAh or more, offering an alternative for users prioritizing battery longevity. Continue here.