INE Security Launches Initiatives to Invest in the Education of Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals

According to the team, in a world where digital threats transcend borders, the need for robust cybersecurity education has never been more critical. Universities around the globe are stepping up, recognizing that their role in preparing the next generation of cybersecurity experts is crucial not only for national security but also for maintaining global competitiveness.

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Understanding the ‘Morphology’ of Ransomware: A Deeper Dive

Understanding the visible landscape is more accurate when we understand the underlying morphology that shapes the landscape. WithSecure’s Ransomware Landscape report for H1 2024 (PDF) provides similar information to many other recent ransomware reports.

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Why manufacturers need to pay attention to cyber security

As more manufacturers embrace digital transformation, they expand their digital footprint, creating new opportunities and vulnerabilities. This dual-edged sword necessitates a vigilant and proactive approach to cyber security.

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